Plone 2.0 urteko produktorik onena eWeek-en iritziz
Zope -ren gainean eraikitako web eduki kudeatzaile eta web atari sortzailea den Plone 2.0 plataforma bere kategorian 2004 urteko produktorik onena izendatu du eWeek aldizkariak. Kategoria honetan hautaketa merito handikoa da software librea den Plone bezelako produktu batentzat, konparaketa Interwoven bezalako prezio handiko beste produktu batzuekin leiatu eta irabazi egin duelako. Zoperen Plone 2.0-k lortutako baloraketa . Interwoven-en produktuak lortutako baloraketa .
eWeek-ek dioenez merito handikoa da Plone-rena:
The Web content management and enterprise portal markets are crowded and highly competitive, so it must be especially difficult for vendors of these high-priced systems to compete with a free open-source product that matches or beats them in most key feature comparisons.
Eta Plone 2.0-ri buruz hau azpimarratzen du eWeek-ek:
Plone 2.0 is a solid, enterprise-class Web publishing and portal system with excellent content creation and user collaboration features, as well as extensive customization and corporate integration capabilities. This polished application is simple to deploy to any operating system and will meet almost any corporate portal and content management need.
Azken azterketan ibilitakoak:
- Zope -ren gainean eraikitako Plone 2.0 ,
- beste open source bat, Bricolage 1.8.1,
- Interwoven Inc.-en TeamSite 6.1,
- CrownPeak Technology Inc.-en Advantage CMS,
- Serena Software Inc.-en Collage 4.5,
- PaperThin Inc.-en CommonSpot Content Server 4.0 eta
- Ektron Inc.-en CMS300 4.5.
Agian interesatuko zaizkizu beste artikulu hauek
2024ko Plone Konferentzia
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