Europar Komisioak IKT sektorean Software Librea - Free/Libre or Open Source Software (FLOSS)- delakoaren eragin ekonomiari buruzko txostena argitaratu du. Txostenean CodeSyntaxek parte hartzen duen ZOPE / PLONE garatzaileen Zea Partners (lehen Zope Europe Association) elkartea ekosistema ekonomikoan eredu berritzaile moduan aipatzen da.

Flossimpact txostena ("The impact of Free/Libre Open Source Software on innovation and competitiveness of the European Union") UNUMERIT-eko Rishab Aiyer Ghosh-ek zuzendutako ikerketa erakundeen arteko kontsortium batek egin du.

Behin baino gehiagotan aipatzen da ZEA Partners Elkartea:

.. ZEA Partners, formerly the Zope Europe Association, brings together SMEs from several countries that support or develop the FLOSS content management systems Zope, Plone and Silva. Founded by the founders of those FLOSS projects, ZEA includes 16 SMEs from nine European countries as well as four non-European partners: from the US, South Africa, India and Argentina.

ZEA provides promotion, training and coordination services as well as some degree of technical support to members, each of who specialise in their own application domains, and usually (but not necessarily) their own regions. Acting as a network makes it easier to approach large clients, and their collective client list is impressive, from eBay.com, Philips Research and London-based IMS, Europe’s leading investment multi-manager, to Oxfam America, ETH Zurich and the Rotterdam Police Department.

Izan ere, ZEA Partners elkartearen bazkide kopurua handitu egin da txostena egin zenetik, eta txostenean esaten den legez ZOPE / PLONE garatzaile eta erabiltzaileen ekosistema ZEA bera baino askoz zabalagoa da.

Prentsa Oharra UNU Merit Flossimpact Press Release

Flossimpact Txostena (1,8Mb)

Albistea ZEA-ren webgunean

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