Projects: django

Sagardoaren Lurraldea: Reserve system
Book your plan in the reservation system we have developed for Sagardoaren Lurraldea and enjoy the cider culture as you prefer.

KIMUAK, catalog of the best basque short films of the year
KIMUAK, the program promoted by the Etxepare Basque Institute and Zineuskadi, chooses and creates a catalog with the best Basque short films to take them to the most important film festivals and audio-visual celebrations.

KANALDUDE TV, new website
We have developed the website for Kanaldude, a television in Basque language from the French Basque Country, in collaboration with Aldudarrak Bideo. Among other things, visual quality and viewing options have been improved.
Platform for publishing information about chess tournaments. Developed for the Spanish Chess Federation.

Geoparkea 2015
Complete renewal of Basque Coast Geopark's website. We have reorganized the content, redesigned the site, applied responsive design techniques and modified the reservation section.

Ffrwti is a Welsh website, where content comes from different sources: the resident editors, users that log in and post their articles, and automated news items retrieved from what's trending in the Welsh-speaking twittersphere.

Another local news website under Tokikom platform, local portal
Another local portal developed under Tokikom local news platform

Multilingual website for this TV show that features science and technology, local portal
First version of the brand new Tokikom local news platform, developed by CodeSyntax. Developed in Django, more regions to be published soon.

Cycling ecommerce created by CodeSyntax
Pioneer web application mixing Google Maps API and geolocation

Nestoria news
The most important UK property news aggregated from leading Twitter commentators
Website for the Basque Coast Geopark, with a booking system integrated for various activities like museums, trekkings and boat promenades. Management through 3 tourist information centers.