Projects: culture 2019
We've renewed Basque Cultural Institute's website. Besides working on a new look&feel for the website, we've also built a new technical environment, importing all the contents to Plone's latest version

Maixa Zugasti
Maixa Zugasti is a Basque language writer and we have just launched her new website. This new website offers information about the author's biography, published books and texts. We have performed the development using Wordpress.

Loraldia is a festival about basque culture organized in Bilbao during spring. CodeSyntax has developed the new website for this year's edition, the fifth one. The new website won't need any redesign for adding the information of every single new edition. CodeSyntax has also become a sponsor of the event.

On Zientzia
On Zientzia is a competition about scientific short videos. Their goal is is to promote the production and dissemination of short, original videos on science and technology subjects. We have renewed On Zientzia's website, using Wordpress.

Europa bat-batean
Donostia-San Sebastian is the European Capital of Culture in 2016. Many events will take place in the city, and one of them is "Europa bat-batean, The World Improvised Verse Singing Meeting". Instead of creating a new website for the conference, we've implemented a microsite under the main organizer's website, with its own design and content tree.

Mintzola Fundazioa
Renewed website for Mintzola Fundazioa. During the project we updated the Plone CMS version and adapted the site to smartphones using responsive design techniques.

Bernardo Atxaga
We've renewed the website of the well known Basque writer Bernardo Atxaga. The website has a new design and it's adapted to several devices thanks to responsive design techniques.

Travelling exhibition about the Basque dance organized by EKE, the Basque Cultural Institute

Kirmen Uribe
Renewed website for the Basque writer Kirmen Uribe. Multilingual website with a new design, adapted to several devices.

Fork 2 Fork
Fork2Fork initiative is about the benefits of buying fresh, direct and local food. We developed the site's CMS along with the automatic Twitter information extracting and processing, both on English and Welsh.

Juanjo Mena, conductor
Professional site for the popular conductor.

Bertsozale Elkartea
Website for the Association of the Friends of Bertsolaritza, improvisers in Basque language 2012
Site revamp and migration to Plone from the long time used Zope custom application. Wide content, big cultural actors database, agenda and venues.