NEM-EMERGE Project: Combating Invasive and Virulent Nematodes

The NEM-EMERGE project is focused on the most harmful soil pathogens by exploring the central drivers of their emergence and proliferation. NEM-EMERGE is structured in the implementation of seven interrelated work packages.

Sagardoaren Lurraldea: Reserve system

Book your plan in the reservation system we have developed for Sagardoaren Lurraldea and enjoy the cider culture as you prefer.

KIMUAK, catalog of the best basque short films of the year

KIMUAK, the program promoted by the Etxepare Basque Institute and Zineuskadi, chooses and creates a catalog with the best Basque short films to take them to the most important film festivals and audio-visual celebrations.

REMAKING Project: Remote-working multiple impacts in the age of disruptions

REMAKING project aims to analyze how remote working affects individuals, in companies or oganisations and in the socio-economic sphere, specifically along four case studies: enforced migration workers, digital nomads, post-pandemic workers and High-Tech skilled workers.