Welsh quiz app Cwis Bob Dydd launched, a version of our Basque app Egunean Behin

Cwis Bob Dydd has been developed by CodeSyntax collaborating on the matter with Tinint a welsh TV and digital production company. It has been an assignement by S4C, the welsh public TV. The app's development and launch has been financed by S4C and the Government of Wales.
In the matter of content, which is key in the quiz game, a great part of it has been based in Welsh culture, language, people facts (celebrities and else)... Wicipedia Cymru and the National Library of Wales have provided resources for creating questions.
Besides content, the app is fully localised in Welsh, and follows the model of Egunean Behin, the Basque app that's been running its quizzes and competitions since 2019. It's a 10-question daily trivia game, with weekly and seasonal competitions, and overall rankings as well as group-based mini-competitions: that is, particular leagues of players organised as family, workplace or interest groups... Groups that users create by themselves and then ask friends to join.
The app and the game have been open since past week, under the radar, and available in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store; but the official announcement of its launch was today.
To play Cwis Bob Dydd, check:
- Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/cwis-bob-dydd/id6443600247
- Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cymru.s4c.cwisbobdydd&hl=en&gl=US
Meanwhile, in the Basque Country, next week in the Librecon open software conference to be held in Bilbao, CodeSyntax will showcase its Egunean Behin / Cwis Bob Dydd apps, on a demo quiz-show tuesday Nov. 15th, 12.00 at the Talent space of the conference. Explanations about the app will be followed by an on-site simultaneus game.
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