Sponsoring EuroPython 2015
EuroPython 2015 will start next Monday and Bilbao will be the centre of the Python world, indeed. Since we have already sponsored other Python events previously, and this one is at "home", deciding to sponsor EuroPython was an easy choice.
Sharing our Python experience
When my colleagues Eneko, Luistxo and Gari founded CodeSyntax in 2000 they did some research of programming languages. The aim of the company was creating great multilingual websites and they decided Python was the best choice. Since then, almost all of our projects have been developed in Python (Zope, Plone, Django, etc.).
My colleague Mikel Larreategi will share all this experience on Europython and we hope you'll enjoy it.
Have a look at EuroPython's schedule and you'll find lots of interesting talks. You're still on time for registring and joining us.
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