Seminar in Bilbao: The Internet and the promotion of linguistic diversity
The seminar will be at "EHU-Esperientzia Gelak" space, room 4, Banco de España kalea, 2, Bilbao. From 15.30 until 20.15 or so. It will be free to attend, and there will be Spanish-English interpretation. Luistxo Fernandez will take part in a panel discussion and he will do so in English, moderated by Manel Pérez-Caurel of the UNESCO Chair on World Language Heritage of the University of the Basque Country. There's an event in Facebook if you want to mark your presence and also invite other people in Bilbao that might be interested.
Itziar Idiazabal
Director of the UNESCO Chair on World Language Heritage of the University of the Basque Country
ICTs as a Tool for the Revitalization of Endangered Languages: the case of
Juan Pablo Martínez Cortés
University of Zaragoza (Aragón, Spain)
Connecting in Cymraeg: digital diglossia and the online linguistic landscape of
Elin Haf Gruffydd Jones
University of Aberystwyth (Wales)
The Emergence of Indigenous Languages on the Internet: convergence and
divergence of a starting practice. The Mexican indigenous communities case
Carmen Gómez Mont
National Autonomous University of Mexico
17:15 Coffee break
17:45 Making Small Languages Bigger: the use of video conference in reaching
Reitze Jonkman
NHL and Stenden Universities (Frisia, The Netherlands)
Asturian Language and ICT: Review and Perspectives.
Héctor García Gil
Asturian Language Academy (Asturias, Spain)
The Success Story of a Minority Language: Māori harnessing global technolo-
gies for language revitalization and daily interaction amongst Māori speakers.
Karaitiana Taiuru
Freelance Web and Online Media Consultant
(Aotearoa/New Zealand)
19:15 Panel discussion
The Internet and Minorized Languages
Participants: Luistxo Fernandez (CodeSyntax), Héctor García Gil, Elin Haf Gruffydd Jones, Reitze Jonkman and Juan Pablo Martínez Cortés.
Moderator: Manel Pérez-Caurel, UNESCO Chair on World Language Heritage of the University of the Basque Country
20:00 Seminar closure
Besides this seminar, Luistxo Fernandez will also take part in the EBEuskadi conference, also in Bilbao, on May 12th. That will be a two-person panel alltogether with Nagore Guarretxena of Akting, about "Digital business and Basque language", moderated by Joxe Aranzabal from Mondragon University. EBEeuskadi is also free, but registration is needed. This too has a Facebook event page.
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