Summary of Plone Conference 2017
Like in previous years, the 2017 edition of Plone Conference started with two days dedicated to training classes. We took the two training classes about JavaScript. New JavaScript frameworks like Angular and React are widely used and the front-end world has become more and more important. Using plone.restapi it's easier than ever to integrate frameworks like Angular in our toolchain.
The talks started on Wednesday with the traditional Keynote on the State of Plone. After that we attended several interesting talks about the future of templating in Plone, using and, and also the new REST API.
We also gave a talk about our experience in building multi-contry, multi-language and multi-domain applications. You can see the used slides here.
The keynotes were also great. Specially the ones by A. Jesse Jiryu and Denis Mishunov.
On the last day, we learned the latest developments of Zope on Python 3 and what will be called Zope 4.
This was, definetly, one of the greatest Plone Confs we have attended! Thank you Ramon, Victor and all the staff from Kitconcept and Iskra for organising it in Barcelona!
See you next year in Tokyo!