Plone Conference 2010 from 26/10 to 29/10 in Bristol
Netsight, a Bristol based Plone company, was chosen to organize the 2010 Plone Conference and CodeSyntax will be there. Like in the previous editions of Naples, Washington D.C. or Budapest, our Plone Team will be present in Bristol and will participate in the conference to get more in touch with the community, take part in the Open Spaces and learn, learn and learn!
Every year, Plone Conference gives us ideas to improve our developments, to know many people we read in the mailing lists or just to see whether our development ideas are correct or can be improved.
The Plone community has recently released the 4th version of Plone, Plone 4, which will be one of the highlights of this year edition. New theming ways with XDV, Plone-in-the-cloud or Tools and Techniches to successful developments with Plone are the names of some of the talks. The speakers' list include Plone guru Martin Aspeli, PloneFormGen guru Steve McMahon (who we first met at Camp5 at Chappel Hill -spanish-), Elizabeth Leddy (who gave one of the most interesting talks last year in Budapest) or our Benevolent Dictators Alex Limi and Alan Runyan.
In case you fly to Bristol before or have more days to stay there, you have pre-conference training and also post-conference sprints. Don't miss them if you can!
Will you miss this year conference? We promise daily reports on some of the talks we attend. You can also follow the conference through Twitter or on Freenode-IRC channel #ploneconf2010.
See you in Bristol!
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