Guide2Wear, Public transport services with wearable devices for different mobility types

Summary, objectives and expected results - Guide2Wear
The main objective of Guide2Wear project is to improve co-modality and the use of environmental friendly transport modes for passengers by taking a major step forward in information providence, payment support and passenger guidance by using wearable devices and the related new possibilities.
Project insights on user demands as well as the complete travelling records of test users all across Europe will be used as main input to the prototype development. This will help to eventually provide a user-friendly mobile tool supporting intermodal trips from door-to-door.
The project will deeply analyse the technical side as well as the human side of this task. On one hand wearable devices and expected progress in this field will be studied and on the other hand the different user needs based on different mobility behaviour and human factors will be considered as well as legal and economic aspects.
Derived form an intensive discussion with experts and potential users with different characteristics, through interviews and surveys, field tests with automatic monitoring and mode detection, and through consortium expertise and document review, the project will identify:
- the state of the art in transport supporting services for mobile devices,
- different user groups and their special requirements,
- mobility types and mobility behaviour,
- future mobility trends,
- wearable devices relevant for transport, and
- the current situation concerning related legal aspects in Europe.

Guide2Wear Partners
Guide2Wear project partners are following:
- Fraunhofer IVI (Germanyy, project leader),
- VTI, the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (Sweden),
- FACTUM (Austria) a SME founded in 1988 that focuses on traffic and mobility policies from the perspective of psychological and social sciences.
- InnoZ (Germany), a private innovation centre for Mobility and Societal Change
- BOKU the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Austria),
- TML - Transport & Mobility Leuven (Belgium) a private research company specialised in quantitative transport research and transport modelling. and
- CodeSyntax (Basque Country), our company.
Tecnalia Research & Innovation , is not project partner, but will be contributing with regards to the business scope in Guide2Wear.
Duration and schedule
Planned project duration is 2 years, from 01.09.2014 to 31.08.2016, and the kickoff meeting was in September in Dresde, at Fraunhofer IVI headquarters (Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems). Garikoitz Araolaza, CodeSyntax's CTO and wearable devices expert, attend the meeting.
We have a meeting scheduled in the Basque Country in 2015, but next meeting is targeted for the mid of November in Stockholm, hosted by VTI, the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute.
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