LIBRECON 2022 Conference. Reinventing Openess. A recap.

CodeSyntax at Librecon 2022
During the two days of LIBRECON 2022 at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao, more than 70 activities have been held, and distributed in different spaces: Inspiration Space, Open Space, the expo or exhibition space, Tech Space, Demo Space and Talent Space in which more than 75 speakers have participated, and in which CodeSyntax has been very present.
Thus, Mikel Larreategi gave in the Open Space his talk on "Use and involvement of an EU agency in the development of open source software products". Mikel exposed part of our work in Plone, Volto, Python, and other technologies for the EEA, European Environment Agency and especially for the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS) project, the European Union's Earth observation program, where the outstanding merit is in "publishing the code" of the applications, but also, and above all, in "developing in public". Here you have an example with the GEEA Github. Interesting, isn't it?
Also in the Open Space, our manager Eneko Astigarraga spoke about "The challenge of software reuse in the Basque Public Administration'', a talk in which Eneko had the opportunity to expose our work supporting the Basque Government, and especially the DTIC, Directorate of Information Technology and Communication, in the project to promote the publication and reuse of applications for the open catalog of TEKgunea, exposing the achievements and some of the keys and future challenges for the project. A lot of work ahead.
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In our booth, we received the visit of more than 450 people, organizations, and companies, who were interested in our work, products, and services, to whom we try to attend and we are incredibly grateful for their interest in our activity. If you could not come and want more information you can contact Codesyntax.
In addition, Librecon has developed training and talent recruitment activities, in which we participate, and for example, from ESLE we have launched OSAKamp, Open Source Akademy.
OSAKamp, Open Source Akademy,
The ESLE association of which we are founding partners and Code4Jobs have joined forces to offer OSAKamp, Open Source Academy & Knowledge, a complete and highly demanded bootcamp based on Javascript and Open Source technologies. Secure software development, databases, going through backend and front-end.
It is a project funded with the support of the Department of Employment, Social Inclusion and Equality of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, and the bootcamp is open to anyone who wants to get started in the world of software development. The idea is that people working in sectors of low employability get a turn to their working life.
Event at the BAT - B Accelerator Tower (Torre Bizkaia) and LibreCon 2022 Awards.
On Wednesday afternoon the event moved to the BAT, B Accelerator Tower promoted by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, where topics such as reflections on space as an agent of change in the context of Open Innovation, the challenges and opportunities of Open and Collaborative Learning and the final panel discussion on the applicability of quantum technologies in the industry, which were attended by nearly twenty experts, took center stage.
To close the event, the LIBRECON 2022 awards were presented, in which the winning projects and people were:
- Best technical conference LibreCon 2022: Isard VDI in collaboration with Uni Eibar-Ermua.
- The best case of successful application of open technologies to real solutions: The role of open source in Lookiero's data ecosystem.
- Best public strategy based on open technologies: Quantum Ecosystem Strategy, led by the Provincial Council of Biscay
- Best initiative for the inclusion of women in the field of technologies: Innolab, which was represented by Elena Zarraga from LKS.
- Best project based on open technologies with the greatest impact on citizens: EJIE and the GV DITC, for the NIK Patrika digitala/Digital wallet project.Company with the greatest impact in the Open Technologies sector: Cloudera
- ESLE Special Award: Dani Armendariz, ESLE's First President.
Our colleague Eneko Astigarraga had the pleasure and privilege of presenting the award to Miguel Angel Veganzones, VP of Data at Lookiero, but below you have the photo with all the winners.
Librecon 2022 has closed consolidating itself as an indispensable and reference event in the technology sector. From CodeSyntax and ESLE, we can only thank all attendees, speakers, sponsors, institutions and brands that have bet on LIBRECON as a benchmark event in the sector, and reiterate the idea of the quality contribution of Open technologies to the economy, society and people.
The next LIBRECON is just around the corner!
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