About us
CodeSyntax is a software company located in the Basque Country, Spain. We are dedicated to making the Internet a truly global experience through internationalization and localization services.

Active members on these associations:

Our principles

What do you want to achieve? Which is your goal? How can you get it? How to measure it? We can help you answering these and other questions

Digital projects might be focused on achieving a goal, and design should be oriented to it, taking care of the overall branding principles.
Open Source

Is the base of our work, due to phillosophical, economical and technology reasons. We can adapt to each situation, such as not so open development environments.
Contact us
We can help you developing a project on the Internet. Contact us for more information.
Azitain industrialdea 3KE-20600 EIBAR
Basque Country - Spain
Tel: (+34) 943 82 17 80

Work with us
CodeSyntax is a different company, full of innovative and Internet expert people.
Would you like to work with us?
Then contact us